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07/19/22 6:31 PM

#45318 RE: rich2 #45317

Mexus is DELINQUENT, Rich. Do you understand what that means?
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07/19/22 6:54 PM

#45321 RE: rich2 #45317

it's not a false story, rich.

I received the request below two years or so ago. This was after the promise was made that no more requests for money were planned. Everyone on "the other board" was trumpeting this glorious promise. Then, I get the following e-mail from Deb:

(copied and pasted from my hotmail archive folder)

Fri 7/10/2020 8:32 PM

"I was hoping we would never do this again, but first let me say our gold sale is good. it is taking care of the mine real good we just got hit with a couple of bills that was lot larger then we thought like year end audit they want paid about 25,000 before they will sign off then we have cat haul truck which we need to get imported to the mine and thats going to be about 13,000 with hauling and everything but we need it down there bad we have the one volve but its getting old this way with will have 2 going and we can do lot more. I'm sure we have most of the audit payed everybody will be very happy when this audit gets out I can do a real good deal on stock. If you can't I understand you have done alot for Mexus, and things are getting better all the time.
Thank you

So NO, Bob was not lying.
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Captain Black Bob Blanco

07/19/22 7:29 PM

#45322 RE: rich2 #45317

Rich, with every post accusing others of lying and fabricating stories, you prove yourself to be more of a useful idiot for Mexus. Keep your head in the sand, and keep covering up for Mexus. I’m sure they appreciate you enabling their lack of transparency.