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07/22/22 12:10 PM

#181217 RE: Alexulf #181204

Alexulf; America's Future is Looking Bright | Praying for America | July 19th, 2022
Right Side Broadcasting Network Published July 20, 2022

The Climate Change Transition To Mass Starvation And Death
redpillrevolution Published July 21, 2022

Biden tests positive for Covid-19
The US president is vaccinated and double-boosted
Biden tests positive for Covid-19
US President Joe Biden. © Getty Images / Kent Nishimura


THIS is the result of socialism

California suffers the worst drought in 1,200 years and they ask to reduce water consumption

Drought forces unprecedented water cuts in Southern California

$40 Milj. Without Water; Most Leaving? California's Farmland Rapidly Turns To Dust Amid Water Crisis
Tyler Durden's Photo
MONDAY, JUL 18, 2022 - 03:55 PM
As much of the Western US suffers from a historic drought, all eyes have shifted to
Californian farmers as hundreds of thousands of acres become fallow in a state
responsible for a tremendous amount of US food production.

Unprecedented cuts to water supplies are jeopardizing the future of growing for
many farmers. Drought conditions are worsening, making it harder for farmers to irrigate crops.



Ron Paul Speaks Truth to Power

$Gold Forecast: How to Become Strong After a Massive Decline?
Ask Gold Miners!
The biggest buyers of gold in recent years have not been G7 countries (United
States, France, Canada, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and Italy), many of
whom naively sold much if not all their gold in the recent past and have refused or
simply don't have the funds to restock;
instead purchases have all been by developing nation central banks (like India
and Turkey, and of course China which however has a habit of only revealing its
true gold inventory every decade or so) who have been quietly preparing to do
what Russia is doing by dedollarizing and instead allocating capital into a
counterparty-free asset

BTW. Do Your Own Due Diligence;
$TPRFF, $MMY, $MMTMF, $AGI, $AEM, $GGGOF, $GPL; , Gold Mines Producer, oversold, undervalued Au-Bargain




GCM Mining Reports Second Quarter and First Half 2022 Production; Declares August 15, 2022 Monthly Dividend
July 18, 2022

trunkman thanks; They are full speed ahead, with turbo button pressed.
announced today that it produced a total of 16,370 ounces of gold in June 2022 at its Segovia Operations bringing the total for the second quarter of 2022 to 53,198 ounces compared with 52,198 ounces from Segovia in the second quarter of 2021. In the second quarter of 2022, the Company also produced 85,741 ounces of silver, up from 54,573 ounces of silver in the second quarter last year, together with approximately 294,000 pounds of zinc and 345,000 pounds of lead.

For the first half of 2022, the Company produced 103,149 ounces of gold at its Segovia Operations, up from 101,256 ounces of gold in the first half last year. The Company reported consolidated gold production in the first half last year of 103,684 ounces which included 2,428 ounces from Marmato up to February 4, 2021, the date of the loss of control of Aris Gold Corporation.

GCM Mining’s trailing 12-months’ total gold production at the end of June 2022 was 208,282 ounces, up about 1% over last year. The Company remains on track to meet its 2022 annual production guidance of 210,000 to 225,000 ounces of gold, aided by the completion of the Maria Dama plant expansion to 2,000 tonnes per day (“tpd”) in the third quarter of 2022.

GCM Mining processed a total of 44,047 tonnes in June 2022 at its Maria Dama plant, representing a daily average processing rate of 1,468 tpd, at an average head grade of 12.8 g/t. Plant operations in June 2022 reflected a scheduled 120-hour stoppage to change the linings of the mill in addition to routine repairs and improvements. For the second quarter of 2022, a total of 147,580 tonnes, equivalent to 1,622 tpd, were processed at Segovia at an average head grade of 12.4 g/t compared with a total of 143,910 tonnes, equivalent to 1,581 tpd, at an average head grade of 12.6 g/t in the second quarter last year. This brings the daily average processing rate for the first half of 2022 to 1,604 tpd at an average head grade of 12.3 g/t compared with 1,526 tpd and 12.7 g/t in the first half last year.

$In GOD We Trust - Real Money - AU Safety 6000yrs :-))

Gold & Silver is the only REAL Legal Tender -

by The Founding Fathers for your -

Rights, Liberty and Freedom -

GOLD STANDARD; THE REAL LEGAL MONEY:,basis%20for%20a%20monetary%20system.

God Bless.

trunkmonk thanks; from time to time i have pushed this info out to people.
although Yellen has a new role, looks like she was meant to be there when it
happens, as with Biden the drug lord of his son.
Buckle up butter cups, its coming full circle soon.

Bernanke began the conversation in a cheerful mood…
Ben: Saw you on TV yesterday.
A woman’s voice, said to be that of Janet Yellen, replies.
Janet: Well, you know what it is like.I’m now competing with the presidential
election news cycle. And Trump is getting all the page views now.
Ben: But wow! I like the way you turned it around…
Janet: What do you mean…?
Ben: I mean… that “cautious” thing. You managed to get almost every news agency in the world to say you were “cautious.” Heh heh. Makes you sound prudent.And this is after you and I together put about $4 trillion of new cash into the system… we must have induced other central banks to pony up another $8 trillion or so… and now there are about $650 trillion in open derivative contracts.
Yeah… cautious! I love it. Just don’t strike a match…. Heh heh.
Janet: Oh, stop… I wasn’t the one who started this thing… You… [inaudible]. Besides, I’m learning from Trump. When he entered the race, we all thought he was a joke. But that’s the problem with politics – jokes get elected.Anyway, Trump’s trick is to always say something bold and outrageous. And vague. People don’t know what the f*** you are talking about. They can fill in what they want to hear. It makes me sound like a strong leader who is keeping her options open.
At the end of my speech to the Economic Club, I was even tempted to say “Investors love me!”
We Homeys Did It

At this point, static interrupts the conversation. Then the two voices become clear
Janet: You know, Ben, they should love us. And you and I should get more than
just our pictures on TIME and a few million in speaking fees. After all, our
yiddisher kops added more wealth to the world than Carnegie, Ford, Buffett,
Gates… all of them put together.
Ben: But, Janet… Now that I’ve been out of the hot seat for a while, I’ve had a chance to think about it.
Janet: Think about what?
Ben: Well, the system and how it works.
Janet: Hey… That’s not allowed…
Ben: I know… but now that I’m a private citizen just shaking down the big banks for speaking fees… It’s payback time!
Janet: Yeah… I see you’re getting $400,000 a pop. Not bad…
Ben: Janet, just wait… you’ll get your turn…But seriously, I’m just wondering how it all fits together.
I mean… it seems like something very important has changed in a way that we
didn’t recognize.
Janet: What’s that?”
Ben: When Nixon made that change in 1971 [eliminating the restraint on credit
creation imposed by gold] nobody really knew what it meant. The gold bugs ranted and raved, but even they had no idea what would happen. Nobody really saw how it would change the system completely.Nobody… except maybe the damned French… ever asked to exchange their dollars for gold anyway. It didn’t seem to matter that we shut the window [ending the convertibility of dollars to gold at a fixed rate by closing the “gold window” at the Treasury].
But this is just coming into focus for me. It changes everything. We went from a savings-based money system to a credit-based system. And that’s a big change.
You following me? There is only so much money available from savings. So that naturally limits the amount of credit. But when you can create credit with just a few keystrokes on your computer… it’s a different thing entirely. You can have as much as you want.
But the guy who runs a liquor store… He stocks his shelves for total sales. He doesn’t care whether you spend cash or credit. As people spend more – on credit – he orders more bottles and hires a young man to put it on the shelves. He thinks there is more demand for his product. He expects it to last. So does everyone else.
So, the economy booms. That was the idea. That’s why we got our faces on TIME. We homeys did it. We manipulated the economy. We tricked people into thinking there was more demand than there really was. And all we had to do was keep interest rates a little on the low side…
Debt Is Deflationary
Again… the line gets fuzzy for a bit. Then the voices come back.
Janet: Ben… I’m going to hop off the line… I’ve got an FOMC meeting…
Ben: Hold on, Janet… Just a minute… I’ve got something figured out. It’s important…In the old system, people had to earn money before they could lend it. That imposed a natural limit on credit. You couldn’t lend it if you didn’t have it.
The scarcity of credit forced up the price of it. Interest rates never went to zero. So, savers were encouraged to save. And it forced investors and entrepreneurs to find projects that were worthy of precious capital. That’s what made the system work. It encouraged real capital formation and real wealth building. That’s how we got richer.
Now, all we’ve got is credit… unlimited credit. Banks’ cost of funds these days is so low it’s almost free. Nobody knows what anything is worth – because all prices are distorted by unlimited credit.
That’s what happened to the oil industry. Oil was $140, and then it was $30. You don’t know what it should be. So nobody wants to take the risk or trouble to fund long-term projects. We don’t build much real wealth any more. We just speculate. Short term. And the amount of credit in the system just goes up and up.
But the dark side of credit is debt. You have to pay interest on it… and eventually pay back the loan. So, as your debt increases, it takes more and more of your income to make the debt payments, leaving you less to spend. This means you have to borrow more – increasing your debt – just to maintain the same level of spending.
We know our income is not keeping up with our debt levels. Debt was about one and a half times GDP in the 1970s. Now, it’s three and a half times.
I know lower interest rates airbrush the picture… so the debt burden is not so obvious. But unless we’ve eliminated the credit cycle, we have to assume rates will one day turn up again. Then, the cost of all this debt will suddenly hit us – hard. It will take a big chunk out of current spending… leading to those “D” words that you can’t use in public.
The gloom and doomers were right all along. But they didn’t understand any better than anyone else how it really worked. They kept expecting inflation. And it never came. So, they went broke and went away.
Debt is not inflationary. It’s deflationary. You either earn your way out… or you reach a limit, and the economy melts down. And here’s the thing: The super abundance of credit reduces real growth. That’s the thing I just realized. The more credit you make available… to try to ‘stimulate’ the economy… the more you stimulate speculation and suppress real growth. Less real growth means less real income to pay your debt.
So, there’s really no way out… because the debt is slowing down the economy it depends on, like a huge leech that is killing its host. You eventually end up in a Minsky Moment… [when asset values plunge after a long period of speculation and unsustainable growth]…
What are you going to do then?
Janet: You’re asking me?
Ben: Yea… Janet. I know what I’m going to be doing – collecting more big bucks for telling Goldman how you screwed up. Heh heh.What are you going to do?

God Bless