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07/15/22 3:51 AM

#36909 RE: steph1971 #36908

Pretty good explanation of the current state of the NIH, FDA and CDC by the people that work there.

When dealing with Humanigen, I cant remember at what point I realized the FDA was corrupt. I think early when it became apparent they were adding people to the trials too slowly and then constantly extending when testing would end. It came off as on purpose to me... Getting selected to that first NIH trial was great, but quickly that started to look like another tool by a corrupt institution trying to delay Lenz.

There are basically no side effects with Lenz. This should be in EUA at least. No excuse.


cowtown jay

07/15/22 8:56 AM

#36915 RE: steph1971 #36908

Thank you for the informative post, steph. Very unfortunate and unsustainable conditions at the Health Agencies.