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07/13/22 1:16 PM

#192325 RE: snow #192312

Dear snow
Let's look at the processes behind new concept adoption. Well before COVID every nation has some form of hygiene and disinfection program in-place with authorized products. The UK NHS has over 200 authorized disinfectants on their Procurement lists, five being HOCL from various sources both UK and EU. One prime UK supplier is Aqualution. Once listed each of the numerous UKI NHS Trusts can make their own individual purchase decisions, and have done during the pandemic, purchasing $millions worth of diverse hygiene related products. TUTUM is a late starter and is viewed just another HOCL bit very cleverly they tied up with one single NHS Trust in North Tees. That trust as a commercial division that is allied to TUTUM to market Pathisol and if possible, the PCT HOCL machinery. In the past two years very little progress has been made apart from an impressive website and the slowly developing relationship with that single NHS Trust commercial arm. Preliminary HOCL trials took place over a few weeks giving encouraging results however any generic HOCL @ 500ppm would have give identical results. Now, with those initial statistics the NHS Trust allowed a multi-week live trial in one North Tees hospital, the results to be recorded, analyzed and then published. Pathisol is the product being tested however, please remember that this is a generic HOCL therefore once that individual Trust approves use of 500ppm HOCL then the opportunity opens for all other HOCL providers, including those that supply HOCL generation machines, to offer counter-bids, some being lease and some outright purchase. There are some very competitive prices for HOCL generators far better that the aged technologies PCT use, plus other HOCL's are more long-term stable. It is mandated that any NHS Trust that decides to commit to over £ 20k purchases must open a Tender process and assess all viable options. Even if TUTUM/Pathisol passed a in-use test process that is not a guarantee they would win business, as that NHS Trust and all others must seek best Value For Money any any attempt to evade that process would see HOCL competitors open legal challenges seeking fair play. Even if North Tees adopted Pathisol and the PCT machine, then TUTUM's really hard work begins to sell to all the other UK NHS Trusts, which would take TUTUM well into 2023 & 2024 as UK Fiscal Year budgets run end-March therefore votes for spend would fall in FY 2023-24 and not this FY 2022-23. Parallel to any TUTUM endeavours every single Trust would be bombarded by powerful HOCL competitors waging price wars and technology advantages, with solid supply chain promises and backup, and this is where the debt PCT carries would be used as a weapon against them, as underfunded, the risk of PCTL future collapse is very real. Other HOCL suppliers are well funded and technologically ahead. The only way TUTUM could resolve this real risk to their profile and credibility is to drop working with PCT and find another more advanced HOCL machine supplier. TUTUM could still call the product Pathisol, but unconnected with PCTL. The White Paper would signal the start of commercial warfare that will then persist for years to come, plus many NHS Trusts will just ignore North Tees and Pathisol and carry on buying their current products. There are absolutely NO guarantees any SIGNIFICANT sales will occur.
The same rules apply to all EU states. To successfully compete in this Game of Thrones TUTUM needs serious funding to extensively market both Pathisol and a HOCL generating device in both UK and EU. After COVID struck virtually every US cruise ship and many other 'flags' adopted on-board HOCL generation,as sea water being salt rich is the ideal source medium, and that is why so many top class competitive HOCL generators exist today. There are very markets where anyone has any monopoly, unless they have a unique process or technology backed by Patents and solid IPR.
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07/13/22 2:14 PM

#192338 RE: snow #192312

Snow, I think you're dead on with that summary and I believe the wool had been pulled back on the dishonest picture that's been painted by pct and the folks who have constantly provided nothing but bs here touting pcts possibilities. Kind of funny that a certain DD specialist who constantly chimes in about how legitimate pcts operations are hasn't come in to try to counter mrbiocides actual DD and realistic assessment.

Anyway, like you, many of us were led to believe this stock was far better than it really was. It's unfortunate but many of us have wised up and pulled out. Eventually everyone here will realize pct for what it is, hopes and dreams, scams and cons. That's all it is.

Also, thank you for your message. I can't reply but I did get it and thank you for the info!