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07/12/22 12:03 PM

#122160 RE: Stock Caller #122158

The fact that this company is run just by himself that just tells you something. This BRGO CEO, Berge Abajian is not on shareholders best interest. He is running this company with no one with him so that he what he wants without someone checking the books. This is obviously a scam without a shadow of a doubt. Why would he issue himself 500mil shares of BRGO stock and not disclose it until someone have found out? Also why is he not paying those noteholders with.the revenue he made knowing he also has sone liquidity., or even buyback the stock if he is really wanting the stock to go higher? None of this has been done because he doesnt want it. He just want to grow his business with investors money and not giving back in return. He is using his shareholders as his peggy bank. I am glad i sold 95% of my holding here two weeks ago and bought BMIX instead because we have a conman running a company here.