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07/09/22 8:39 PM

#51438 RE: jglider #51437

No lefty will discuss reform unless we allow illegals to vote. The left does like to buy votes. Just because someone paid a few pay roll or property taxes they should be allowed to vote? We put more restrictions on felons, which I view as wrong after they're released yet many of them pay taxes. Who knows the back ground of these illegals but let them vote???? We have some city councils discussing allowance of immigrants that are NOT citizens the right to vote in local elections. WTF! Oh wait I forgot the lefties buy votes.. I have no time for those that support these clowns in any form... I suspect if there ever is reform talk,,, felons will be part of the discussion as they are now in some local and state chambers..

Hillary Chillary Clinton first ass criminal, blubbered something about how the party was using a campaign strategy to see how much crap they can throw at the voters and was interrupted by a staffer before she finished., Another slip of the tongue??... Apparently most voters like eating garbage as the game has been on going.

I shake my head when I think about the money wasted on elections. Such a disgrace to the American people. What could be done with this money for disabled vets. Give em 60 days to spread their lies and it's done.

I'm for abolishing the electoral college. Small states will bitch yet all states have 2 senators.

The hypocrites give us a way to block out phone calls, expect for their campaign crap. Ya ya I've heard all the reasons why which is bull shit..

VP Harris said we need to end this horror of gun violence. 2 years ago she advocated rioting and looting now she's against violence because it fits another narrative. Disgusting ,,,,,PIG,, Good fit with blubber brain Byedumb the lover of thugs.

Again they want to forgive student loan debt. Must be an election year, gotta' buy those votes. Wife and I worked our way thru school, the kids helped with part time jobs for their schooling.. No hand outs here. Idiots that allowed themselves to get in debt deserve it, wha wha wha Wife and I are proud of what we've accomplished because we spent time working on improving ourselves instead of whining like a snowflake looking for hand outs.,

Few really give a crap about what I think even if the truth is exposed. The truth hurts,, .. I'm one of the 10-15% that will listen to all positions, doesn't mean I agree with vote buying/bribes they spew, but I will listen. ....

A closed mind will never expand.

Taking a long break since no one wants to discuss markets.. Had again opened this door a couple weeks back and,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ya. Giving it all away doesn't interest me.


07/10/22 12:19 PM

#51439 RE: jglider #51437

I was only thinking of politicians who are possible candidate for presidents in 2024. Would you be able to identify presidential candidates that would be considered centrists?
I expect the stock market to be volatile this week due to concern about the Feds tightening more next Wednesday and possibly again in September since jobs seems to be plentiful but the economy has already slowed down somewhat. My concern is how will earnings season be impacted by inflation and are the Feds really going to show they are really concerned about inflation....
My dad was an immigrant from Ireland and worked three jobs to support his wife and five children. He served in WW2 and taught himself to become licensed gas fitter which allowed him to only work two jobs .
The cost of tuition was 2800.00 per year in 1975 and tuition only at Boston College is now 62,950. I am not advocating for free services whether they are tuition costs, debt forgiveness, or day care,etc.