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07/08/22 6:49 PM

#211644 RE: moneycrew #211640

So now the story changes to it WAS NOT sold or gifted.

Funny, here's an accurate listing for the home. Was it sold? NOPE, right? RIGHT?

Lets play the tape again---

Oh the BS property sale? Yeah...sold to his children. Gifted.

has [nothing] to do with Cytodyn-

Wrong again, it HAS something to do with Cytodyn prospective President scheduled to be officially rostered in tomorrow.

From the California Secretary of State---

No results were found for "biovega capital"

Arman was at BioVega Capital LLC from 2017 to 2021 according to the above screenshot right?

Document dated 4/13/2018--- California collect any taxes from this transaction?