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07/05/22 10:20 PM

#113894 RE: billdean8 #113893

“He’s still around for 3 months”? That is somehow the bar which things are measured by?
Wow, what an accomplishment that someone is still with POSRMX after 3 months! That should send it into penny land tomorrow!

Fact: there is no proof that as of 7-5-22, he is still employed with POSRMX, and so what if he is, as there have been no sales announced yet.

Fact: with all of his years of alleged success, TMobile still fired him for not getting vaccinated, and only $32M in IoT sales, over 2 years, for a multi billion dollar company is jack squat.

Fact: since 2018, it’s ALWAYS been, wait to see where things are in 3 months, and almost 5 years later the wait continues.

Fact: until there are sales, there aren’t.

But hey, how about that “up to date website”?
POSRMX has that COPYWRITE of 2021 going for it, right?