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07/05/22 9:04 AM

#390851 RE: Lemoncat #390847

The premise of the question is wrong:

Q: Why shouldn't the govt shoulder the bulk of the funding for further development since they know IPIX has little to none and they realize B could be a life saver for many thousands of citizens?

In the Company's own words in the latest 10Q:

Recent Developments
Brilacidin is being studied by independent researchers funded by US Government grants, as a potential broad-spectrum antiviral therapeutic for the treatment of viruses, including the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which is responsible for COVID-19. We anticipate these studies to continue as long as researchers remain positive about the antiviral properties and therapeutic potential of Brilacidin and government funding is available.

A better question might be "Why does the govt continue to fund pre-clinical antiviral therapeutic research in B when the only clinical results to date have failed to show its effectiveness"?

I guess the writer you are quoting (Petemantx) is looking for a big bucks clinical trial, but I have yet to hear any reasonable trial design be proposed. I didn't see one proffered here, did you?
June 23, 2022
Innovation Pharmaceuticals Reports Brilacidin Inhibits Omicron, Delta, Gamma and Alpha SARS-CoV-2 Variants Based on In Vitro Testing by NIH/NIAID-Sponsored and Rutgers University Researchers

Even lobbyists have to have a reasonable proposition. "Dad, it's me Leo, please send money" doesn't qualify.

ps. A more realistic version of the last line of the 10Q quote might be:
"We anticipate researchers will remain positive about the antiviral properties and therapeutic potential of Brilacidin as long as government funding is available to continue these studies".