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07/01/22 10:51 AM

#137360 RE: BelizeMe #137359

at one point Hanson was $35 plus per share and sold for $2.50. Yep, that’s the guy you want in charge lol.

Next comes a dire PR from Titan stating without a reverse split they have no way of moving forward, urging people to vote yes.

I vote NO, NO, NO F’ING WAY even if this goes to zero. We won’t make any money and I don’t want the management to milk this for another couple years and make a dime.



07/01/22 11:03 AM

#137362 RE: BelizeMe #137359

It was such an exhaustive CEO search that Cataford fell asleep during it ! Can we start calling Vanny Mr. 73.6 ?