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06/30/22 1:01 PM

#83640 RE: Major Profits #83626

IMO, GOOD NEWS would have been that the $GVSI Form 10 was refiled

I think everyone here was hoping for that, especially after this long of a wait. If he's given up on that route it's likely because his lawyers and accountants have advised him to do so.

But what is different about submitting an application for "OTCIQ Access" THIS TIME as opposed to the LAST time, last year?

Last year you had 1,000s of companies trying to get in before the June 30th cutoff. This year you don't.
Remember, all 3 of his shells went to expert market. We'll likely never know why, and it's spilled milk at this point. The other 2 came off expert market and are doing great. I expect the same outcome here.

But some are okay with most ANYTHING that can be spun to look like a POSITIVE development

True, but look at it this way. Would you have preferred a tweet from Sharp saying he had given up completely and was abandoning this altogether? The fact he announced he's getting this current is great news, regardless of what else you're hearing.