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06/29/22 3:38 PM

#101536 RE: Jimmy Joe #101529

is this oh, Jimmy Joe?

on a long holyday trip? back?

Meanwhile we all heart of a lot numbers for shareprice, from insanely low AND high. i wanna reiterate, i hate, i hesitate numbers and rather look at
- V. (olume) and 30% of V. = COVERING -

I believe this play, this time, is beyond imagination.

There are 4-10 billion fakeshares to the 513.000 float. I count on 4billion for a reasons, because if more, USG must intervene and regulate anyway, due to insanely high prices beyond 500K which would realy ruin the USA! say, about 1 bill covered (after cumulated days with 3bill V.) - sp ? unimportant
about 2-3 bill covered (after aggregate 6 bill V.) - sp ? I start selling, but is there a dip, i can comfortably wait for the next run, but then, even if price is lower than i thought (which i don´t believe, rather the opposite!) I´d start to sell!!! DISCIPLINE . . no greed!
after about 4 - 5 bill covered, i sold 99% of my shares
meanwhile - 1% for prices beyond our galaxy (Andromeda, probably) PROBABLY there is even more money, if many more sold cheap, we`ll know then.