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06/29/22 11:02 AM

#682 RE: NobleRoman #680

Interesting Interpretation of the Data:

From ENickerson today at Seeking Alpha. Still 100,000 of shares lent to shorts:

My lent shares total right at 100,000. Small numbers come in and/or go out nearly every day (less than 1000 shares usually). I do believe there is naked shorting going on, but don’t know for sure. Shorts are paying 85% interest rate on their positions. Big volume a short time ago was Milton “Todd” Ault buying and hedge funds that bought shares and warrants in company offerings selling. Ault is still buying at a steady pace. I don’t know who is selling. The gunslinger hedge funds are pretty much out of the stock (and warrants) now. On the way out, word is they trashed the company’s prospects to everyone they talked to, probably sparking short selling by smaller players that we’re seeing now.

My Interpretation of the data: That means 360,000 shares short that he knows of. I suspect much higher based on evidence beyond reasonable doubt of the presence of naked shorts based on:

1. Threshold List flag (possibly due to naked shorts)

2. Math simply doesn't add up any way you slice it given the knowns of who owns what from recent reports. Assuming they were "tight hands."

Either way, looks like a horrible future for shorts here.