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Big Brother

06/28/22 5:54 PM

#4 RE: Small investor1 #3

Nice, I'm in as well, I like this one a lot as the Sytner's, Barry and Betty, have had a pretty good track record with their mergers in the past.

ABVC which went to NASDAQ, Infinity Oil & Gas which merged with Ignyta Inc went to NASDAQ and was bought out by Roche AG for $1.7 billion dollars and Tri-Mark MFG which merged with 5 to1 Holding Corp, who was then acquired by Yahoo!.....probably some others I've missed as well, as he has worked with David Lazar in the past on mergers.

Ideally I'd rather not see a Chinese RM, as those have been quite poor the last couple of years or so.....but we'll see.