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06/26/22 11:54 PM

#16692 RE: Chivito #16690

Chivito, I dont think people digesting how big this is.....Puriblood has 36 blood transfusion patents and they are bringing their own Industry Financial & Business leadership into PLPL. They are handpicking their own Board of Directors and advisors!!! You know these people are going to throw some well connected highly invested people into this stock leadership. You been trading on IHUB since 2009 and I bet you cant name me one company that ever did a 30 Year Exclusive Licensing Merger!!! Not to mention this is a Biotech Medical Device Stock!!

How can a trader sleep on a stock who is bringing a product that had never been sold in the North, South & Central Americas? Hospitals and Medical Facilities are going to eat this product up!! A poster on Twitter DD added that this blood filtration system Filters Out The Transfer of Viruses also to prevent infection transfer from the donor to receiver. This is massive!!!



06/26/22 11:56 PM

#16693 RE: Chivito #16690

Chivito....Is that you Playa!!! LOLOL $$$$ GO PLPL