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06/27/22 1:24 PM

#51409 RE: bobjack #51408

Speaking of handouts. The lefties in California are sending 9.5B out for inflation relief. More like band aid relief while throwing gas on the fire.... Just another way to buy votes and in some cases with your own money. A lot of fools will fall for it.

My folks didn't have a lot of money either. Did their best to raise us kids, kept us on the right side of the tracks and taught us right from wrong. We never went to bed hungry, sometimes we butchered an old cow or a pig to eat but we were fed. Dad worked his ass off, me too but I survived. Never bounced a check thanks to mas diligence. Wore a lot of hand me downs from an uncle as did my brothers. Many of our clothes had patches on them, didn't hurt us one bit. Got new shoes every Sep. Had boots for the winter...... Got a new bike when I was 10 heh I was ridding a cousins had me down for a few years, it got me around....

Today if the kids clothes don't have holes in them they can't wear em'. A cell phone is to die for, GEZ

Money doesn't solve everything. But a serious lack can cause issues. Being a good citizen has more merit than many care to admit. It's easier to be or at least act like a bumb.

Family,, ARGH A younger brother thinks he's entitled to everything. It's me me me and he is very open about it. Needless to say he's the poorest of the group..... When the Covid checks came out he was the big shot at the local tavern.

The youngest brother took over the family farm about 30 years ago and is doing great. Said he's going to work until he's 80, got 20 years to go, I think he'll do it...

Ya can pick your friends but ,,,,,,,,,,

See oil is rallying into my next marker, not bearish but not what I want to see either, take some off from last week, trade trade trade