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06/23/22 4:36 PM

#2178 RE: bdr #2177

Agreed. The term "A lot of shares" can be an ambiguous expression. However certainly could be relative to the price of the share.

Someone might consider 50,000 shares at a .01 a few being that it only costs $500, or even .05 that costs $2500, but at .50 with a cost of $25,000, well maybe someone would think it is a lot of shares.

But really you missed the point I was trying to make in my earlier post.
Was not trying to convince anyone that 8,000 is a lot of shares but instead trying to point out something that i've noticed observing the charts over time and seems to happen regularly with Qenc.

Maybe someone has a good explanation.

Noticed over the past 6 months that often someone sells off an exponentially higher # of shares in comparison to a minimum amount of shares bought right afterwards that is only worth only $1-$3. Can't figure out why would anyone buy so few shares.

This seems odd to me because that amount of shares they buy is even less than the $6.95 fee Ameritrade commision charges me to make a OTC trade.