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06/22/22 6:26 PM

#100616 RE: Liam859 #100611

I believe the AMC apes own the float of over 2 Billion shares. Where 1.5 Billion shares are counterfeit.


06/22/22 6:32 PM

#100618 RE: Liam859 #100611

You never know this is true.....
but I am inclined to believe there is large percentage of retail investors holding.....also the fact that there is so much attention to amc tells me someone has some warranted concern.....but I am still holding and my fellow investor are also HOLDING....
The amount of shares our consortium from NY is holding quite substantial number of shares....and I will brag a little I have a pretty good pile...and waiting to buy more..but it really doesn't matter what matters is the DD you have done on AMC and what your entry point was and what your exit strategy is......
One needs sort the noise from what is factual......emotions don't belong in stock market or for that matter on the golf course....
GLTU and GLTA AMC retail investors....