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06/22/22 11:01 PM

#44344 RE: changes_iv #44343

The NIH needs more money to do what???

On March 28, 2022, President Biden submitted to Congress his FY 2023 Budget request encompassing all Federal agencies - including a proposed budget of approximately $62.5 billion for the NIH.

More of this???

The bottom line is that the Pfizer Phase 3 trial which was used by NIAID, FDA and CDC to justify the emergency use authorization is pretty much a junk clinical trial which was inappropriately halted long before it even got close to meeting the intended follow up period, did not provide a sufficiently long follow up analysis of vaccination-associated adverse events, and in which the control group was intentionally eliminated. This resulted in basically erasing any opportunity to ever get to the bottom of what the major true risks of the Pfizer mRNA inoculations were. In terms of more minor risks, the study was not powered (not big enough) to evaluate those.

Into the breach, an intrepid group of (mostly) senior academic researchers have stepped forward. The expression “fools rush in where angels fear to tread” comes to mind, in that it has become extremely risky for any academic to question the approved vaccine narrative. But bravely this decidedly un-foolish group has stepped forward.

To my reading, the approach that they have taken with this analysis and report has been to make a good faith effort to perform the analysis of the Phase 3 clinical trials (those are supposed to be the “big, final” clinical trials prior to licensure of a product) which should have been performed by Moderna and Pfizer. Basically, the analysis that the FDA should have done themselves, and also should have forced Moderna and Pfizer to do. If White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows had not put pressure on the FDA, perhaps it would have done the right thing. But it apparently caved and did not do it’s job, and here we are.

Herein lies the rub. The FDA not only did not do its job, but neither FDA nor Moderna nor Pfizer will release the primary data, which means that no-one else can do it either. As the authors of this recent analysis note in their discussion:

A systematic review and meta-analysis using individual participant data should be undertaken to address questions of harm-benefit in various demographic subgroups. Full transparency of the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data is needed to properly evaluate these questions. Unfortunately, well over a year after widespread use of COVID-19 vaccines, participant level data remain inaccessible.


07/09/22 5:05 AM

#44381 RE: changes_iv #44343

One alias anonymous poster said:

I am always amazed at how little consideration is given by all the pushers to the strategies of the main shareholder and virtual majority shareholder GEM. Particularly because it is a hedge fund that is out to make as much profit as possible for itself and its backers (not shareholders of RT). That the main shareholder has the possibilities to get rid of the minority shareholders should be undisputed, otherwise ask the authorities.

Posted by VICLOG, Y@h00 RLFTF finance conversations

Another poster replies…
@VICLOG That makes 40 comments in 2 days, not counting your other accounts. Where are your other accounts anyways? It is even weirder that you are using the same account to comment your posts.

@VICLOG, I know you will use your 10+ accounts to report this post no worries. But it is noticeable that you made 29 posts in 1 day with your new account. This would mean you have 50+ posts in about 2 days in a stock you are not holding and spreading miss information about.

Are you ok...?
Posted by Z, Y@h00 RLFTF finance conversations

- They're trying to get kids as young as possible to be injected. Problem is the studies published in high quality journals show that the immune system of the COVID vaxxed is screwed up by 'immune imprinting': the system keeps rigidly producing a defense to an old version of a pathogen, which leaves it vulnerable when confronted with a new version of a pathogen.

- Another problem is suppression of T- and B-cell responses of the immune system, which leads to more general immunodeficiency (VAIDS). The enormous increase in reports of for instance (reactivation of) shingles, herpes and Epstein-Barr, but also flu after vaccination, confirms this.