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06/24/22 3:02 PM

#1828 RE: drkazmd65 #1827

You are right, plain and simple the positive numbers were not far enough in front of the other options that are currently out there to warrant spending any more money on it. Plus Covid is going to be more under control now then it was when they first started. I am hopping they use their funds to find ways for it to work on other more predominant lung and breathing issues like COPD, Asthma and raspatory failure brought on by other issues.

People are going to see several up ticks and sell offs as we move forward. There is still the investigation to be delivered to shareholders, still a decision on how they will handle a re do on the Phase III trial.... if they do the complete redo on the Phase III its a two year process... and that is what I hope they do... if they do that they will have a much better shot at getting an approved drug that will be worth millions. Short cuts like they just did with the un-blinding of the data almost always dont sit well with the FDA.

Some may do it and some may not, but its going to be an opportunity to flip this over the next several months... Good Luck To Everyone as we move forward.