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Saving Grace

06/17/22 6:23 AM

#14370 RE: Lowjack #14368

History proves it already happened before. Millennials, Generation Y and Z don't understand the Grapes of Wrath, CCC camps after WWII or CETA programs of the 70's. Generic food products, Govt. cheese and food stamps were real programs and selling their soul to the company store happened many times in the past if you could even get a job as nobody was hiring.

The youth of today simply don't get it but those who lived through it, understand soup kitchens all to well. Those who didn't live through those ERA's will never get it as those troubled times were eliminated from history books where a free school lunch may have been the only meal kids had for the day.

Hard times were real and many suffered the circumstances. After WWII, growing a garden was even mandatory for staying alive.

Gold and Silver are the only stable commodities that always held it's value through thick and thin cyclical cycles and here we are again, stuck in the middle for another round of pain and suffering that is now slowly coming upon us, once again. When we start seeing food riots instead of spoiled looters robbing merchandise, you will know, that time has come again as history repeats itself. That history was eliminated from public school systems, so the youth have no idea as to what is really upon us and most don't even want to go to work or even know how.

Hopefully the age of Aquarius will spare the masses because it could get tougher before it gets better. Gold, Silver and Precious metals is the place to be, making no mistake about it. When the populous begins to figure it out, there will be a mad rush to Gold, Silver and Precious metals just like before. History repeats itself.

This is why Banks are loading hard assets and will continue to do so. Every countries currency must now be backed with Gold, Silver and Precious metals in order to trade protecting them from default. The rush to Gold and Silver is just getting started.