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06/13/22 4:41 PM

#730 RE: CoalMinersGlove #729

Of course you are anxious and so you should be!
I am "that guy" I am surprised how naive you are. You are anxious because you really have shares. none of the banter going back and forth has any valid meaning and you, as well as a few others are being led by the nose by certain posters obviously under the company umbrella. Sad really, none of them have much business sense nor even knowledge
Read over some of my previous posts, even those with you, then perhaps, will understand "that other guy" knows a thing or two.
Are you being taken to the cleaners? If you have a brain, you may begin to see a pattern emerging. Just my take, LOL!!! WHEW well over 100m + over 40m (160m) shares already owned, gee shucks that is way more than all the others put together.IS IT ALL WORTH IT? even at 50c a share is greedy beyond belief! being so greedy may well be like shooting himself in the foot and could bring the whole house down like a deck of cards and take the owner with all the shares with it!!
"that other guy" knows the way of honest business.Take heed management this is becoming grey.