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06/12/22 4:35 PM

#238019 RE: MontyPython1 #238017

MP1- I agree with you whole-heartedly. This rampant speculation has run off its rails and has absolute no meaning whatsoever in relation to WNBD and the GestureTek alliance. To pursue it repeatedly is not is mean-spiritedness with deeper roots In My Opinion.-TB
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06/12/22 5:35 PM

#238022 RE: MontyPython1 #238017

I don't see it that way. I see misleading/confusing comments made to hide the true nature of things. Just like in the description in the annual reports of the lawsuits, it was meant to say nothing happen here, move along. I had no idea based on what he said, the main company was forced into bankruptcy and I do believe he wanted that to be that way. Everything is driven to avoid all possible negativity. Its all about what happens now, moving forward as one member here pushes for that. Never mind historic past value. If people want to only focus that way, be my guest but I am not joining that band wagon. For me its important to know what happen and what steps will be taken differently so it won't happen again.

It remains still unclear to me if Eric acquired a majority ownership of GT Health Inc, or a majority vested interest as in joint venture partner. Different tax implications and different liabilities if Eric is a joint partner with Vincent in GT Health Inc versus Eric owning a 51% majority interest of GT Health Inc as in owning shares. If joint venture then they should have some agreement drawn up between them. If Eric acquired 51% ownership than there should be some transaction record ( transfer of shares ) to reflect this. For example if I entertain buying Winning Brands there has to be some official record that my purchase of the company WB includes the majority ownership of GT Health.

Let him show it. I am not say what he does is different than others. All CEO's want to paint the best picture. Put their best foot forward. Fine. I get that. But I always said from the beginning I had concerns about the acquisition and I am still waiting to see if something comes along that changes that. Announcing a sale here and there is fine, it does not move the needle. Some announcement of an exciting monthly sales report could if it included the other side. Showing out the Tech is used in hospitals is fine but we know that. How about showing some big contract order with saying how it will be financed.