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06/11/22 1:36 PM

#2275 RE: NobleRoman #2274

Spy Satellite Network should be properly updated now. A few one-hit wonders remained one hit wonders, so if they ever have anything worthy to say, they blew it. Not worthy of being double agents.

A few of them like Slight made the Slacker list. True to her name, slight's work is ever so slight. Once in a blue moon, she works. But at least she posts unique stuff. Like this that went under radar. Few and far between. Ever so SLIGHTly.
Women are either beautiful or work hard. If they are beautiful and work hard, they can pull a little.

Err, why can't they be both? That seems to be the false dichotomy many of our agents believe. They think, should I be beautiful or work? Why can't you be both? EndtoEnd and Allow and others prove you can be BOTH. So, be both! What the hell's wrong with these people?

And then the mysterious man of many digits. Under radar, posted two more videos. Sole focus on us, and they are unique. So he too makes the list:

And a few others. 58 confirmed agents now. Q Records life made it off the Awol list. But just couldn't maker it to worker status. It's like she takes speed or someting once in a blue moon and starts working like crazy. Then goes into deep hibernation for weeks at a time... Just when you think she's a worker bee, she disappoints and goes right back into Slacker mode. After having gone AWOL for weeks. She just can't figure out what she wants to do with her life. Maybe Super Dad can give her a reality SMACK wake up call?

A few promotions to VIP. Definitely those under the ALLOW influence and attended the meeting. Unlike Allow, but she was there in spirit.

And then there is Sauce Iron Ball. About to hit my #$#@ list. Reserving a seat right next to Sunset Drunk. On the next reveiew, that's where he's going to find himself if I don't see some WORK soon. He has gone the way of Sunset Drunk which is the wrong way to be.

SUPER DAD, now in charge of all WORKERS. Let's get these people right in the head, Super Dad! All on the same page and all WORKER CLASS. We need military drills, lock up their wine, and get them into shape ASAP.

Oh, and if you could get CLOUD WITH THE WIND's head back down to Earth and focused on YBCN, that would be great! If he could started acting like all his military propaganda and focus that energy over here, then he could be a productive worker for society. Can you get him off the clouds please and down here to reality?


06/11/22 2:03 PM

#2276 RE: NobleRoman #2274

And lastly: Ailexi:

That was provided by DD a few months ago. That's the correct branding. Don't know what it is. I know we had speculation, but I need hard evidence. Is that us? Is that somebody else and we have plans to license their product? What is that all about? That's where our agents lack in their abilities.

We need to set up a special Ailexi Squad. A whole new spy class to get to the bottom of this. That's where my next focus needs to go. To mystery Ailexi.

That same user has many posts about that product. Including this one:

They seem to center around pain relief. Or muscle relaxation. At a glance. Which could tie into our clinic as a product. Need more intel.

That same user also posts this:

I swear I've seen this video somewhere from one of our agents. I think I saw that same thing somewhere. It has no branding one way or another. But to see it with this user suggests a link. And the caption ius interesting:

"Ailexi cold compress gel is applied to the cervical spine, shoulders, lumbar spine, Fuguibao, women's dysmenorrhea, etc. for three minutes to be fully absorbed, and the symptoms are significantly relieved within 30 minutes. It is a free trial."

That would sound compatible with our clinics. I need to find a direct link somewhere and explore this angle more. These are good leads. Whicih, to give credit where its due, usually originates with DD. He provides good leads. Which when you follow the trail, opens up a lot of intel. I need to start getting on this cold trail Ailexi.


I didn't catch it before. Upper right hand corner. Thats the Ailexi branding. In a different color and hard to read. I've seen this with one of our agents somewhere. Now I have to find it. Who was that? There is a direct connection somehow...


06/12/22 9:46 PM

#2287 RE: NobleRoman #2274

QRecordsLife Claims 4 clinics

Of all people, Q is the only one to disobey implied bad gag orders. Posted today:
#Yibeier Medical Beauty Clinic's mid-year festival pre-sale opened, and the four stores launched the most grand shopping spree in the first half of the year. The discounts are comparable to Double Eleven and the categories are complete. Multiple discounts, exciting and good prices. This 618 shopping festival treats yourself with beauty!

She's claiming four launched. I've seen that claim before. Although, I have only verified 3 in the videos. A mystery 4th one may remain unseen by American eyes somewhere.

Q goes Awol, then comes back and shows promise, then goes silent again. And then today is the only at work. Maybe she's a rebel. Which could be true. Someone that would have joined the French Resistance. Maybe someone that just doesn't follow the herd. She may have it in her to be a good spy. I should not give up on her. I hope she can rise above all our VIPs whose lights are dim today.

Who do you serve? Yourself or your manipulators? Seek truth, and the light of that truth will make all darkness run for cover. Always, like rats, scurrying to their corners.


06/19/22 11:18 AM

#2313 RE: NobleRoman #2274

Ms. Lin Lang has a lot of boxes in the background last night: Is that an answer to Zhong2's noble attempt for a good wine club video? I admit, I had to pick the best of the worst. I don't have a good one, and all the music is really bad on all of them. Even Allow's selection that made the final cut sounds like music from some of our tone deaf samples.

But I'm afraid this one can't rise above Allow's winning entry, Ms. Ling Lang. It's fresh! That was a good advantage. But it doesn't show much. Where is the traffic? Allow really set the bar low on that one.. We have some low bars up there, and some incredibly/impossibly high bars. I still suggest the Ailexi category if y'all want to present that product. This most definitely would have knocked that one off its pedestal and taken the stage. If y'all are having creativity and production problems, as it appears. Did the Peng Clan quit?

Official YBCN account posts a long Father's Day cartoon that doesn't make sense. Only shows our brand name at end. What does it mean? To me it means, our official looking account needs to get the Peng Clan back into the group asap!

Sister Hua has a better Father's Day video. But still not as good as the work they used to do and are capable of:

My Conclusion: They have Father's Day in China too. Nice attempts at work, despite yet more holiday passes to not work. It's the thought that counts I guess...


07/01/22 9:26 AM

#2375 RE: NobleRoman #2274

Only one beacon of light last night.

And that one beacon was Allow. Everyone else did nothing. A flicking candle is not enough light for consideration.

Interestingly, no cartoon? The daily cartoons stopped. I was hoping to view another one through my DD tinted glasses. There might be an element of truth to what he is saying.

They are mostly geared towards recruitment from a decent sample size in my opinion and a re-review through retrospection. They are definitely being linked from somewhere to direct viewers to them which the two Chinese YouTube cartoons show beyond reasonable doubt to me. But one has been stuck at 280 views and the other at 90. They were sudden pops, far exceeding the others (except the one linking of main website), but then halt. So it highly suggests an online brochure or meeting where the videos were linked from within the context of a presentation or most likely a digital flyer. A propaganda film. The message they'd be linked from would be much clearer with explanation not vague.

It could have a double meaning in there. Not necessarily directed to me, because I'm sure like Jim Jones they don't want to draw any attention to me. They don't want outside viewers here according to DD, and I imagine they definitely don't want their flock viewing me. I might say something that's not under their allowed speech guidelines. In short, I don't follow bad orders. They want Yes-men like DD I think.

The candy wrapper and the hermit boy that DD is furious I didn't catch on to, allegedly, could have some double meaning within the recruitment campaign. An "inside joke" so to speak. Not directly related to me, but could support an implied gag order. The guy getting hyperactive on the screen like an evil hacker or spy watching them. One of the LOATHED that doesn't do any work, yet wants the fruits of their labor. So don't give these shadow lurkers candy for free. You worked hard for your oats. It could be cloaked in such propaganda to silence people. But it would always be slight of hand, as if the good leader is helping them. The agenda may be to stop me from seeing things. According to DD, I'm important enough to get custom made cartoons made just for me. As the company can't get its house in order.

That's a very ego-inflating angle. Maybe an element of truth to it embedded in the propaganda films. Or maybe not. So many working theories. The facts fit it as it does others. So, I need more data. More cartoons too, please. If you could put a secret flag in there as a nod to me, but keep your flock off the scent, that would be great. Like maybe put a feather on the guy's hat? Something not stylish but I'll pick up on the feather in the hat trick.

Thanks! If no feather, I can't rule it out. It will be like EndToEnd's message awareness according to DD, which is proving to be lots of spin. Perhaps some element of truth to some things it seems. Maybe. Maybe EndToEnd can't see me, but they sure hope she doesn't? A plausible theory? Insufficient data.

The gag order could be supported by propaganda cartoons in short. The simpler theory is mass/exodus due to demoralized investors/franchisees. Both theories can't be ruled out.

One can only hope the last flickering candle in Allow isn't extinguished by such dark clouds forming too. I'll keep on pursuing truth until I'm executed in a nefarious plot in Putin style fashion.

The End


07/04/22 12:26 PM

#2400 RE: NobleRoman #2274

Odd Selection from Zhong 1

She posts this yesterday:

It's the same SUPPLY clip on the front page. Except her version below is cut short. She puts it to TERRIBLE music. Like the sound of scratcing ones fingernails across a chalkboard. Leaves off a long conveyer belt with boxes stacked in the background.

The difference to my selected WINNER of the category is dramatic:

Why? My selected version has GREAT music. Much longer. I acually stop short of calling it FACTORY and more vaguely titled it SUPPLY. Because that's the only conclusion I can draw. I am not convinced that's it not a White Label program. Somebody making wine for anybody that wants their label slapped on it. Public company JVA does this for some grocery stores for their "private labels." Not a bad thing. Could be used as great slight of hand, but not a bad thing in and of itself.

A company that likes to antagonize its investors according to DD's testimony pushes me to the latter possibility as well. Because what kind of pyschologial profile "loathes" its investors and wants to antagonize them? I'd like a qualified psychologist to weigh in on that. According to DD, of course. And according to him, they want to issue gag orders on their own members. IFFFF one is to believe what he says. It's a dark portrait. SUPPLY is the safe category selection. It can go either way. It's a safe category title and reflects truth whichever way it leans.

But why does Zhong 1 take a perfect masterpiece and destroy it by chopping it up and giving it wretched music? I don't know. Is it symbolic of our year 2022? As we fall off a cliff of artistic expression? Probably mere coincidence that it seems that way. I would have preferred some Ailexi bottles being applied topically to someone, if that's what they are for, but if she had selected that music, would I use it?? That's a tough call. I hope I never have to make that tough choice.