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06/11/22 4:02 AM

#49790 RE: tisdal #49746

thanks - I was extremely tired when i wrote that- often go days without sleep solving problems of national scope writing and waiting like everybody else for the long promised deliverance-I've been at this call longer than Mr Brown and so I understand his frustration. By the time you get to 40 years at fulfilling a call to deliver the ppl and you see no change in the get frustrated,just as John would be, just as Moses was after 40 years of babysitting, when the ppl apparently had not learned much. We are all human unfortunately and i was thinking another day without anytime or sleep for myself.

So what i wrote may or not be His mind re this well-but i do know i often dont know what to say until i sit down to write and it flows as fast as i can type. I just know as Jryan and you and others have expressed ZNOG cant continually keep raising money at this pps or eventually we would be in the billion share range like true penny stocks.

So it has been on my mind that Kyoil as an oilman may be right in his estimates of this well- a producer but not the huge one many have been expecting . That would also be typical of the step by step progression He often uses to deliver his ppl and would below the radar of russia - whose military is fighting in syria right next doo- those who dont believe that can do some research.
Russia and Israel have an understanding in that war and coordinate their activities to avoid unnecessary accidents s/incidents between russia and israel in that syrian war. That is why is why israel is walking a tightrope re russia- israel doesnt want to complicate that applecart, whereby russia does not interfere w israels activities re iran in that war.

I'm not going to be trying to determine whether John heard correctly bc about an hour after i wrote that post I was told, even though i've called you to deliver this noahs generation and nobody else was either wiling or able to pay the price of that call (as many have prophesied for many decades) i've not called you to second guess my servant John Brown."

So thats a relief- one less thing to be concerned with but not what ppl want to hear bc they want this to be the blowout well.

But as i said,I would agree w Kyoils oilman expertise -which is i'm guessing is pretty close to jbradles also- that this well has much better qualities than the 1st well or they would not have proceed through the steps since november 2021 but not the big one. the important thing is to get enough success that it financially moves ZNOG forward w the financing to do the next well to take the pressure of the pps -the dspp greatly depresses pps by altering the market buy sell ratio and zn isnt likely to use debt financing bc the borrower is servant to the lender.