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06/13/22 2:45 PM

#351 RE: bigone #348

Abcourt Mines Inc. RE: The Pershimex Courville property represents the kind of gold deposit that any
junior miner like Abcourt Mines, should be seeking to mine. The grades look to be
excellent and good in width.
The drilling results indicate that the deposit is richer in gold, the deeper it runs.
More work needs to be done to better define the resource, but it does appear to
be another mine in the making.

If the deal is struck with Abcourt, it would represent some significant profit
potential for Abcourt mines.
Elder was shut down because of the narrow and uneconomic grades. But with the
wider intercepts available to mine at Courville, even lower grade ore could add
valuable mineralization to the overall value of that entire deposit.

The cut-off grades could be substantially less than what might have been
considered only as waste from Elder.
Better volumes of more easily mined ore are an important factor in evaluating a
mine's potential earnings.

The transportation costs involved by shipping ore from Courville would have less
negative impact on the company's earnings than the less valuable ore shipped
from Elder.

Try to remain positive and better understand what the new management at
Abcourt is trying to accomplish. Pascal Hamelin's only inducement to build a
profitable bridge between Abcourt shareholders and those of Pershimex are the
options, to buy, that both companies have chosen to give him.

He must become a successful manager if this form of additional payment offers
him any significant financial gain.
To take advantage of this kind of incentive, he must perform!

It is clear that he believes, he can deliver the goods! And so far, it appears that
he is well on his way, to doing, just that!

Share roll backs are usually despised by the market. But when a junior explorer
with good assets combines with a nearby miner having a mill, then perhaps, the
new management of both combined entities may be in a better position to
convince all of their shareholders, not to sell!

The crown pillar at Perhimex's Courville deposit is an easily accessed 'in pit' near
surface mining scenario with cut-off grades of only .5 g/t.
The total amount may only represent 9,200 tons grading at 7.2 g/t Au, for a total of
2,100 ounces of gold in the measured category.
But at today's gold price, this still amounts to about $4 million dollars of insitu gold.
The costs of mining the ore and transporting it to the mill must be deducted from
the total.
But the initial costs will be less expensive than the future underground mining will

The current resource estimate indicates that an underground potential exists of
nearly 23,300 tonnes at a overall grade of 4.02 g / t Au, representing just over
3,000 ounces of gold, mainly of the indicated category.
But as stated before, it remains open and is apparently increasing in g/t as it runs

For now, it remains a small deposit but with the potential to mine, so very much

The parameters set in the resource estimate for the cut-off grades were not
indicative of today's higher transportation costs but did reflect a much lower and
conservative value for a gold price of $500 US/ou. of gold.

Today's gold price is much higher, at of least, $1850 US. This gold value seems
to now be more firmly established, as a base, from which to move, very much

The cut-off grades for the underground mine are conservatively set at 2 g/t gold.
Should these now be, reset lower?
What would the future value of any newer resource estimate, be defined as then?

Inflation seems now to be, out of control. Central bankers are worried.
Rates must move higher but at what cost to the economy?
How high can these rates, really go?

MIning the crown pillar represents a good short term resolution to Abcourt's
immediate financial concerns while shareholders wait for the commercialization of
the Sleeping Giant mine.
But for this future Pershimex mine, this modest proposal may only be the start of
something, very much larger to come!

What other possible high value assets, have these astute Pershimex explorers,
managed to acquire?

Even small scale, but high value assets, offer great earnings potential!

It appears that simply toll milling the crown pillar of the Pershimex Courville
deposit was simply too small a deal for Abcourt's new manager to steal.
That was an option left over from the past!
The old management style, now is gone.

Why not be fair to all? Why only take away, from others, when all can benefit and
remain in the game!

Pascal Hamelin believes in something better! Mining in a responsible and ethical
way is the best approach in the coming future.
It's the only way forward, now that times are changing, for the better!

Why not let all investors, in both companies, get involved in something, so much

Creative solutions in keeping a small operation like Abcourt Mines, alive and
successful are indications of an astute management team, now at work.

It is also of note that there may remain, many small scale mining scenarios that
can still be, profitably mined!

A small miner can take very good advantage of that!

Like an aging ship, Abcourt Mines is getting refitted.
Overdue, a transformation is now underway!

Hopefully, the new company will be equally creative, when coming up, with a new
corporate name!

All the best! Java

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