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06/10/22 1:01 AM

#49736 RE: mrbojangle #49701

very true - i did not even see a charging station until about 2 years ago. The average person may not yet be able to afford a personal charging station either.
Tell me guys what i'm missing-most electricity is produced by fossil fuels
About 61% of this [usa] electricity generation was from fossil fuels—coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases.
What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source?
Energy source Billion kWh Share of total
Total - all sources 4,116
Fossil fuels (total) 2,504 60.8%
Natural gas 1,575 38.3%
Coal 899 21.8%
20 more rows
most of the companies are searching for lithium have been unsuccessful-on the usa stock boards these are often companies in argentina and chile- sometimes in the atacama desert where no one can live, which makes the sahara look like a rainforest

and all the the fuels used to produce electricity have their own problems
1)coal- coal is increasingly unpopular for various reasons in the usa china and elsewhere, though new proposed processes would help with carbon dumping

2)natural gas-most of which in the usa is a byproduct of oil production
3) rivers- where the green team and political waves favor the removal of dams- due to damage to territory and fish [the original nations who want their land and salmon etc back]
4) solar and wind and ocean turbines are mostly future in most nations as far as significant energy production- solar has its environmental drawbacks as do wind [usually placed on windy ridges which are bird pathways- killing millions of birds]
there are no free lunches

so far most non fossil fuel car sales are hybrid-can you safely enter freeway traffic etc with a non hybrid yet?
also the green power center in Israel is in trouble in the knesset- they only had a one vote majority at most in the 120 member knesset-and lately have had one or two defections leaving them either tied or recently with a one vote deficit in the knesset which is leading to a new election with the return of the pre- green majority favorable to oil- this has been predicted and expected for a long time by those in the know

the same has been predicted for the usa for just as long-with some predicting that this year-
some things are allowed to happen to open peoples eyes etc before intervention and the righting of the ship- the type of people who invest in znog according to Zions stated purpose should know this from past and current history and not get easily rattled or tossed back and forth by waves (short term events) or by every wind (rumors fueled by the anti-right etc)