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06/08/22 9:28 AM

#203032 RE: shotsky #203031

I know, but not addressing it leaves a big question mark and add to this the trading restriction issue which puts the stock close to all the other OTC garbage!

They better start the process, and i mean start and not just talk, sooner rather than later in order to get out of the present mess!


06/08/22 9:43 AM

#203034 RE: shotsky #203031

With the market and the investment community, they are going after, SBC/NSAV better get this done.

They say they are brilliant in building Blockchain/Crypto services, and it doesn't don't take an Einstein to get this process going.

Strange an investment firm like SBC is not pushing this issue. They could have gotten a fully reporting clean shell to start this blockchain business.

Sit n Wait!


06/08/22 9:56 AM

#203036 RE: shotsky #203031

I think your right shotsky. Lotta work to do here. Tempted daily to buy more but need to see a reversal in a positive direction. Certainly ready to buy more but I need to feel a whole lot better about NSAV’s future. We need a CEO and not a band aid. If things continue as they have I’m gonna need a tourniquet. GLTA fozzy


06/08/22 10:13 AM

#203039 RE: shotsky #203031

NSAV is never going to uplist. That would mean full disclosure of business practices they don’t want exposed to regulators and shareholders.