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06/03/22 10:45 PM

#87914 RE: rajinka #87913

Sorry if I offended you and your friend. Won't happen again. Plus the markets are loosing all across the this corrupt World. Do not lecture me on what is right and what is wrong.


06/04/22 11:25 AM

#87915 RE: rajinka #87913



06/06/22 7:58 PM

#87924 RE: rajinka #87913

His price points have been all over the board since he claims he 1st got out over a year. Although At least on ihub We know a certain person has really only had an opinion or following of one other stock... Kind of hard to tell a person's Stock picking ability based on on that few opinions. But as I stated before, Lots of people can claim they got out of stocks at the highest price.

One of my many multi baggers from 2000-01 was AAB?. I got in around 3 cents and pulled out pretty close to the 1st downslide which was around low 20 cent range. I went back in in around 11 cents and sold out and a little over 50 back when it reached its highest point. Does that make me a super investor, NO, I just watched the trades and the trends and pulled out when I thought was best, Although I'm sure some of that was just dumb luck. Pulled out pretty close to the top On many stocks that year. But as I also said not too long ago, during the kovid binge, A trained monkey with a keyboard could probably have hit that status at least a couple times.

I can't speak for everybody, but for me this is a speculative stock that I'm playing as a long term hunch. If any of you have been investing long enough to live through theDot com crash, You will know that many aspects of those days are extremely similare to the OTC crash now.

I got into one of these upstart Internet companies at around $12 at the end of 2000. At the lowest point of the crash it was trading for around 3.80. Although lots of people told me I was crazy and it's easy that this would probably fail like a lot of the other Internet companies, I continue to trade from from $7 As it was going down, Bought a lot in the low fours, And was still buying when it got up to $7 when it started to recover. Sold most of it in 2004 at $24 a share. Average was in the low fours. A 6 bagger in 3 years back then was a really good Record. I had a couple other good runners besides...EBAY, Back in those days..... But they were all companies that I thought had value, Were undervalued, Great year over year growth figures, And whose management understood the necessity it is to continue to grow and expand.

S FIO is ultimately a fairly small percentage of my portfolio.... But so was eBay..... Until I sold it outperforming every index funds by many hundreds of percent.

Either have faith in this company and buy the dips... Or move on to something else. Everything else just looks.... Desperate.