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06/02/22 6:33 AM

#74082 RE: WarMachine #74080

Not sure how you square that one as well. A PCAOB auditing firm would not issue financials to a client before executing thorough due dilligence upon COMPLETION of the audit. They don't come back and say, "oh wait a minute we can't verify this stuff". Again, unacceptable. As I stated before it seems the company is/was operating in a "silo" methodology, where left hand is not kept abreast of what the right hand is doing and at exactly what phase of a particular project is really at.

Any young trading company has to balance between keeping the public informed ,thus supporting the share price, and actually waiting till things come to completion before making an announcement.

Most, like MONI make the mistake of getting out in front of thier ski's, making announcements prematurely in anticipation. Things have to make sense.

All this being said, these things need to be corrected, and I beleive they will be. In any development project, especially IT development, whatever timeline your development tells you, you DOUBLE it and set your timelines for marketing accordingly. If they say 3 months, you tell the public 6.
You don't promise to launch a multi platform Pinecrest, etc give your own dates, then go dark..

No way in hell do you miss a deadline and then say oh we are "testing" public API's, again another out in front of your skis situation, making mgmt look inept, while in reality these things take time.

Ok, does that cover it? That's at least the major ones, now we look forward to see if MONI makes the proper corrections to avoid these pitfalls in the future.

Regurgitating these events serves no purpose and I believe the ultimate outcome of Bitgift's success will dawrf these early mistakes and the company will learn and not repeat them. Moving forward.