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Frayed Knot

05/27/22 11:02 AM

#121450 RE: PRmaniac #121445

AH YES.. "in attendance".. just like the 2017 CES Show when Petey "had a booth"...

I guess his scooter was his BOOTH! HAHAHAH

Remember when he was bragging about going to the show. First he said he had a booth.. said it OVER and OVER... until it was established.. HE DID NOT.

Booths cost money... Petey has ZERO money... otherwise, he wouldn't be living in his Mommy's basement... just sayin'.

Poor guy even had to eat in the alley with "his crew".. HAHAHAHAHA

This shows how REALLY FAT Tweety Petey is... heck, he is probably BIGGER by now.