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05/25/22 7:25 PM

#389914 RE: leavetheguntakethecannolis #389912

“Would love to see it. We're waiting”

It’s been shown many times, so you could have stopped waiting a long time ago.

But you can now too. It’s never too late.

Zero FTDs:


05/25/22 7:56 PM

#389916 RE: leavetheguntakethecannolis #389912

IPIX had 317 fails-to-deliver shares in the second half of March 2022.

20220322|45782D100|IPIX|317|INNOVATION PHARMACEU|0.04

The April data does not show IPIX has any fails-to-deliver shares.

If you have data backed by creditable sources showing millions of air shares in IPIX, please share it.

Would love to see it.