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05/24/22 9:17 PM

#414469 RE: oystersnbeer #414466

Texans are able to carry handguns in public without going through training or having to get permits. Law enforcement officers worry that could make their jobs more dangerous.

Texas is first in the number of executions carried out in the United States since 1976.

As of September 1, 2021, the state of Texas has enacted a new abortion restriction. Known as Senate Bill 8 (SB 8), this law limites our ability to provide abortion care in Texas beyond about 6 weeks of pregnancy, and sometimes even earlier.

Perpetuate death with guns and executions,
And call themselves Pro life.

Texans love Donald J. Trump


05/24/22 9:38 PM

#414471 RE: oystersnbeer #414466

And what in our society is causing kids to "snap" ?


05/25/22 2:10 AM

#414494 RE: oystersnbeer #414466

For starters, throw the gun lobbyists out of the government property, many of them probably ex-politicians. Get them out of the senators pockets.
Get the dems to write some bills and pass them without republikklans. The right side nazis are never going to do anything.