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Kool Aid Man

05/24/22 10:06 PM

#114506 RE: Hitchox #114502

Not sure how Barry came up with $20 million. My guess he figured he's owed that for the destruction and/or loss of his business for 9 years plus punitive damages. But I assume that would require HIM suing Eddie, him prevailing and a judge agreeing. But the L.O.I. he posted states he was to be paid $350k.

Personally I don't think EITHER party had anything of significant value. I also don't think Eddie had any intention of paying even $35k much less $350k in cash for a pumpable story and access to a few D-list sports celebrities. IMO he told ole puddin' head Barry what he wanted to hear, Barry believed him, trusted him and learned the hard way. Eddie probably now wishes he HAD paid Barry and saved himself from nearly a decade of misery.

Moral of the story: "Thou shalt not fukketh with manic, obsessive/ compulsive types"
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05/30/22 1:41 AM

#114520 RE: Hitchox #114502

It's my agency which is now me that's owed the money along with my former clients.