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05/23/22 7:15 PM

#176909 RE: jaiguruji7 #176904

Preaching to the choir dude. And as for 'previous posts'.. sorry, but I got ya beat by a decade or so.

So.. on May 12th German (or one of his lackies) twatered
"3/3 and recognize that this is still the most undervalued OTC stock in a very long time." And 7 trading days later the AMAZING (and undervalued 'gem') is actually at 90% of the 'most undervalued' cap.. so, it's EVEN MORE undervalued than when they twatered about it being the MOST undervalued OTC stock in a very long time. So, does that mean that it's the 'EVEN MORE MOST undervalued OTC stock in a very, VERY long time'? And I wonder how German feels about being the 'ceo' of the 'EVEN MORE MOST undervalued OTC stock in a very, VERY long time'.
FWIW, broad market issues don't plague this company. It's doghsh!t leadersh!t that's the problem.. that and the conversion.. that should be done 'soon' (like last Nov.).


05/23/22 10:50 PM

#176912 RE: jaiguruji7 #176904

stupidest thing said is that MM are doing this. Fkin fool.