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02/08/07 1:58 PM

#17936 RE: d4diddy #17934

Diddy: No, butt I've read "The God Part of the Brain".



02/08/07 2:06 PM

#17938 RE: d4diddy #17934

The basic assumption "that if it not observable, it ain't real" is OK if one is to try to make sense of the universe.. do experiments, and publish findings that are useful, and can be used. But to me it is nonsense.

The parallel universe idea.. if exists is not observable..The universe existed long before man developed the brain to try and decipher what is and what was and what wil be. The big bang can be observed only by looking at the lingering effects.
And then using some imaginative ideas and applying totally far out math to 'prove" the hypothesis. Until somebody else caomes up with another hypothesis and even more sophisticated math to snag the faults in the previous hypotheis.

Einstien took the work and ideas of Newton and many others to do his special and then his general..but even he knew that it was not finished.

What has transpired since Einstein with all of the world geniues working, and the proliferation of super-computers
be dazzles.. but the Universe remains a mystery.. hopefully, it will stay that way until some catastrophe that we mostly bring upon ourselves, will result in our relacement..most likely self replicating chips and robots that will deny that we ever existed..much like some fundamentalist religonists deny the existance of any proto-humans before "ADAM"...

To question and to quest is the human condition..and its highest calling, I think.