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05/22/22 9:39 PM

#367 RE: darron427 #366

Christians , Catholics, Church Goers and Decent human beings..

You need to understand what you're witnessing here.. This power struggle that's taking place between the Demonic world and the Catholic Church.. Think about how powerful these Demons must feel that the Synagogue of Satan would use their media to protect this woman leading the effort to slaughter babies. Think about what is happening here..

The Catholic church itself is A SANTUARY for the innocent. The Church is supposed to be the backbone of common decency and the Catholic Church has ALWAYS and OPENLY been opposed to abortion.. As I stated the other day, historically the Catholic church has even been openly and adamantly opposed to birth control so you know that they do not agree with baby euthanisa and especially under the nature that Nancy Pelosi and California now offers babies up for killing and re-sale.. This is an EVIL, DEMONIC witch and she is openly declaring war on the Church and the powers of Evil that are backing her are now calling on the POPE HIMSELF to PROTECT this baby killer from expulsion by the Church itself..


I don't know how any Catholic person who really believes in God and stands with the centuries old following and teaching of the church , could possibly not see that something VERY BAD is going down RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE WORLD as this evil witch and the Media - and those behind it, are now PUTTING THE POPE HIMSELF ON THE SPOT over an issue that the Church has always clearly opposed.

The Catholic Church has to have ALL EYES AND EARS POINTED TOWARDS ROME right now and waiting to see how this plays out. If this man, takes a stance against the Church itself and against this Bishop, you better be getting ready to RUN as FAR away from this Demon as possible because you should have no doubt what-so-ever who this man is from this point on.. They are asking the POPE to destroy the integrity of the teachings of the Catholic Church.. They've put him on the spot big time.. Let's watch and see how this False Prophet answers the call.. Will he finish revealing and exposing himself? Nancy is a powerful and VERY important pawn for the New World Order.. This could get ugly


05/23/22 9:16 AM

#369 RE: darron427 #366

I don't think that Americans and - or European Women OR Men , Christians , Atheist , Non-Christians or any of the others seem to be able to pinpoint the center of the lies that the Globalist baby Killing Demons are procreating to divide and destroy millions of babies year after year..

If you will go back and watch that video I posted just yesterday , where ABC news was calling out the Demonicractic communist on the abortion issue, it clearly tells you what the PROBLEM IS , that Christians - Both REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT have with abortion.

It's not that people Christian, Left or Right, Non-Christians or other don't understand that there are extenuating circumstances where a woman may be FORCED to have a pregnancy aborted due to life threatening , uncontrollable circumstances. There are medical reasons why a woman may NOT have a choice .. Her life may indeed depend upon the timing of an abortion or something about the child could have aborted during the pregnancy. There could be any number of medical reasons why it becomes necessary for a woman to NEED to have A MEDICALLY NECESSARY abortion of a pregnancy. There are things that happen in nature during the course of a pregnancy that do indeed endanger the life of the mother and sometimes that's something to do with the baby or the mothers own womb and inability to continue the pregnancy safely. She then has to make a choice on risk vs reward. That should indeed be the woman's choice BASED ON A MEDICAL ASSESSMENT..

That's NOT what's happening as most of us know. Most people are being lied to or completely misled with all of this rhetoric. If you'll listen to that video FROM THE MEDIA when this LIBERAL REPORTER confronted COREY BOOKER about this issue, she stated the truth.. She said that "Abortion even for the Democratic majority , was NECESSITY abortion"" it was not about the right to randomly kill babies and she also went on to state that 30% of Democrats are COMPLETELY OPPOSED to abortion. Think about that..

They don't tell you these things.. Why? Because abortion was never supposed to be about the law allowing the random killing of healthy babies without MEDICAL NECESSITY or some valid MEDICAL REASON for it..

It wasn't when Rowe - vs - Wade was started and it STILL ISN'T supposed to be.. Just like this woman said, most people are opposed to abortion and the ones who fully understand what is happening, KNOW that there are medical reasons why a woman may not have a MEDICAL CHOICE .. Her own life may be MEDICALLY endangered or under direct threat because of a precarious situation inside of her own body. Or an aborted pregnancy , or malformation or any number of medical reasons why it would be very likely, that continuing the pregnancy would indeed kill her..

What has happened is, communist leaders took control of the Democrat party.. Women rose to power that had evil in their heart, they started lying to their following telling these women that abortion was ABOUT THEIR RIGHT, THEIR CHOICE that the BABY wasn't important, what was important , was their RIGHT to make the choice and that MEN were just trying to control them. ( If you've read Mein Kampf, and Hitler's abortion agenda, you'll have no problem understanding where Clinton, Sanger, Nancy and the extreme libbers / how they were brainwashed with Hitlerism - Abortion)..

I have RARELY talked with anyone on line that was screaming abortion , that when I actually got into a deep conversation with them, that they were pro abortion to the extent that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats of California are pushing this murder today.. YOU RARELY find a Democrat OR a Republican that thinks that it's ok to kill a 28 day old baby or continue killing HEALTHY BABIES inside the womb, all the way up to the day of conception.

This is how SATAN and COMMUNISM has tricked women and created this war to murder babies and continued to get away with it over and over. I've had women online tell me time and time again, that they wouldn't do it themselves, but they believe that they should have the right.. The reason they wouldn't do it themselves , UNLESS IT WAS MEDICALLY NECESSARY , is because they KNOW it's WRONG to kill a healthy baby without any valid reason. .

This Fake Democrat leadership under Globalist control that is promoting lies on the media day and night, leading women to believe that they are fighting for their "right to have an abortion," mostly aren't understanding that the MEDICAL COMMUNITY is being controlled by GLOBALIST FORCES , and these forces are INDEED , MAKING BIG MONEY , harvesting the bodies and organs of millions of innocent, healthy babies..

This is also why they oppose anyone, any doctor or any organization that promotes showing the woman the BABY in DEVELOPMENTAL stage during the course of the pregnancy.. meaning showing the woman how far along the baby is where they can actually see that it IS , indeed a healthy baby.. Studies have repeatedly shown that between 8-9 women out of 10, once they see their baby and realize how precious life is, and they can SEE that baby is a real human being, change their mind and do NOT go through with an abortion..

The Globalist and system is the system of Demonic lies and misleading information. That's why they never tell people the truth about anything and what little truth they do tell you , is misleading .. THEY BEAT IT INTO THE MINDS of the population that they are being OPPRESSED by EVIL PEOPLE who want to take away their rights.. People don't want to take away your rights if there's a reason that you have to have an abortion that makes it medically necessary.. But only 2-3 % of the 1 Million babies in the USA alone are aborted because there was a medical reason for it..

This is why they try to cover it up so hard with lie after lie.. This is why they don't want women to see their precious baby before making the decision to abort.. Because they know, that the vast majority of women , once they realize that this fetus is a living human being, even just a few short weeks in, that they will decide to keep it.. The studies prove it time and time again.. There are groups right now, that pay for the ultra sound to have it done and close to 90% of the time, if a woman gets to see the baby once it has reached a few weeks into development, she chooses to keep it.. These women are so thankful once they realize what a mistake that they were making, that many times, well, you wouldn't believe their reactions according to the attendants.. They don't fully realize until they see it how close they were to making a HUGE mistake

All lies and misleading information and the people that are profiting from this as Nancy talked about the other day that would ""Cause harm to economy", come from the author of lies.. And we know who that is and if people would just listen and think about who is out in front, fighting against the church, trying to destroy the people who are trying to tell you the truth.. If you would just PAUSE and read the information and listen with an open years to the facts, it could keep you from making an awful mistake. Every baby deserves a mother .. A mother is sent from God to protect their born and unborn.. They are the protectors of humanity.. Anyone that tells you otherwise is sent from a mindset of the Anti-Christ and Satan. Nobody that will take the time to read the science and understand who and how this Satanic Abortion agenda was given birth to , can say that it wasn't born of Evil.. The most Evil systems and people in history are the ones who created the system and used it for one purpose.. To destroy humanity.. Read the history of abortion .. I posted it several times lately. It was given birth too by MURDERING DEMONS...