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05/22/22 7:33 AM

#362 RE: NYBob #360

Honestly, I'm most fascinated by the fact that somewhere in the United States of America, in what used to be a 1st World Nation, that there are cities - counties- states that allow people to cast a vote in a box on the side of the road with no one there to moderate and oversee the process. I've never seen that. I had no idea that people were allowed to vote like this..

The fact that this person has this many ballots in her possession tells us that she is some how on the inside of the election process.. Either personally or a family member, friend, someone works where the ballots are stored.

You can't duplicate those ballots with just any printer. Our ballot machines wouldn't process them here. Someone is supplying people with huge number of ballots, or they're not being processed electronically at all. Someone is hand counting them. I'm leaning towards someone in high places in these voting precincts are passing them out , or they work at the polls as volunteers or something. Somehow they're connected if those are real ballots at all.

There's a lot of people involved in this.. Not just a couple of mules. Unless this woman and the other people that are doing this , work at the election headquarters where they have direct access to those ballots.. There should be a LOT of people being arrested right now. That's as corrupt as it gets. I STILL can't believe that they allow people to cast votes in boxes on the side of the road.. And they talk trash about my state? I've been voting for many decades and I've NEVER seen anything like this nor would I have ever thought that any place in this country would allow something like this.. This looks like something that would happen in some 3rd world situation.