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05/21/22 6:33 AM

#348 RE: NYBob #347

Gov'ts, Universities, Private research groups and labs , researchers and scientisht have been working on and in virology since the "discovery" of the first tobacco virus in the 1890s,filters%2C%20a%20new%20world%20was%20discovered%3A%20filterable%20pathogens.

Since then studies have taken place that have led to the discovery or cloning of all sorts of virus , most supposed, for the purposes of curing these things mostly carried by plants and animals , many of which are deadly to plants, live stock, pets and human beings.

All sorts of Gov'ts have been "sponsoring" bio-weapons and "viral" research for military usage for a very long time. A lot of these groups are tied in with Gov'ts. People do all sorts of insane things. Most scientist, when they start out, are seeking to develop things that will help cure diseases and help humanity. A lot of times, that science is adapted by other people - groups - organizations and they - develop and intend on them being used for deadly purposes.

With the number of groups both gov't and non-gov't affiliated that work in virology and with deadly pathogens for all sorts of purposes, human error is always going to come into play at some point whether they are intent on releasing it into the general population or not. They develop these things, modify them for different purposes, they become more resistant , more deadly.

If they get "loose" - some worker happens to have a handling mis-hap, and it get's loose into the human - animal - insect population, which is what seems to have happened here, they likely will have very deadly consequences and particularly for which ever group of plant, animal, or human beings, that are the most susceptible to them.

Frankly I've always believed that Frankenstein syndrome would ultimately lead to the death of humanity or a large portion of it. There's so much deadly science taking place around the globe, just as there are too many people - gov'ts, insane dictators that have access to nuclear weapons, it's going to be impossible to keep it all contained - keep some nuts from raining down hell on humanity at some point. People like Putin and the Chinese, North Korea , Iran , who are already mentally ill, always making threats against humanity or other nations.. Threats of nuclear attack.

Most of the world's gov'ts , university systems or research groups have their own versions of the Wuhan laboratory developing something either to cure the woes of humanity, or to destroy - weaponize against other nations. Russia, China, Japan, Israel, Australia , most industrial nations do, just as the USA does. They're going to get out and loose eventually. The more they experiment with them - modify and develop them, the more deadly they'll become - more resistant. That's what I believe has happened with covid over time. Covid 19 and all of the other versions.. Look how it's constantly morphing - changing - another variation springing forth from the last. It's modifying , adapting, becoming more deadly and resistant all the time.

Covid isn't going to go away any more than what I call the "Asian Flu" is.. It'll come back year after year, each time it does, it'll kill more of the population. They'll keep trying to develop vaccines to counter the last, and it'll keep changing and becoming more and more resistant. Eventually they'll let a Sar - Covid - Aids - virus loose on us, that "Ajax won't take off" as the old saying goes.. They'll be the death to most of us at some point. The science of madman will ultimately be the death to humanity. As I've stated many times before, I've always believed that bio - viral research would be responsible for the biblical plagues. Man made death in a lab.