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Blue Skys

05/20/22 1:54 PM

#233082 RE: usgirls #233081

That's what I think as well. I'm primarily in cash but my speculative funds are in a portfolio of new medical paradigm stocks. This stock covers itself and two others of course so its a great way to spread the money around. I don't think that its quite time to add either but the time nears as Independence day approaches. I am certain that medicine is about to change for the better and MJNA will be a part of it with its global footprint.


05/20/22 2:04 PM

#233083 RE: usgirls #233081

Sounds like you're playing this smartly with flexibility. Wish you well on your choices.
I view this as an emerging biotech company, and when general markets fall, emerging tech companies usually weather the storm well, so I feel my money is safe here.