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05/20/22 11:04 AM

#70746 RE: Scratchgolf #70745

Not true. I was able to sell my 5 million shares for 1's. To bad my average was 5's but felt it was time to cut bait. Second time I've lost big with this turd. Slap myself if I try a third time


05/20/22 11:07 AM

#70747 RE: Scratchgolf #70745

There should have been a third kind of post yesterday. Apologies from the people making up loads of bullshit to get other people to put their money into this POS.

Joe Burmeister

05/20/22 2:28 PM

#70757 RE: Scratchgolf #70745

So you are saying is that we should all buy more shares while the shares are cheap, right? This is coming from an investor who has inside knowledge, and is in constant communication, with the con man himself. I wouldn't be surprise if they play rounds of golf together.

Through Ballas, he has led the sheep to the slaughterhouse time and time again, and even in the darkest hour, he is still praising his Master. So who type of person gets joy in others losing their hard earned money by pumping this POS for the past 3 years?

I have skin in the game. I have more money invested in this stock than most. So by me bashing the company, I am only hurting my investment. But that's just fine with me IF I can save other investors from making the same mistake as I did. You, Kid, Bluechip, Bost, etc pump this POS relentlessly and lure more investors into this scam. Everyone knows that the CBD business is just a front for the REAL business of selling shares.How many billions of shares has he dumped by dangling the website carrot? Next month, it will something else to lure investors into buying while he dumps.

I am neither hurting nor vindictive. But I won't sugarcoat this scam. I will do my best to let other investors know that Ballas is nothing but a CON MAN. He is been milking the shareholders for years, with fake disclosures and empty promises. He needs to be stopped, and hopefully Taboola can do that by putting him out of business.