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Dragon Lady

05/20/22 10:13 AM

#57393 RE: Spartan #57392


Let's see - 5 shares at .002 will get you one single sheet of toilet paper.

Miniscule revenue

Bleeding cash - on pace to lose $4 million this year. Assuming sales hold up.

Zero product superiority

Moore massive dilution on the way. (Yes, Moore pun intended.)

That's the Reader's Digest version boys n girls - (or is it a whore oops "horror" story really - sorry Momma Moore More aka The Easy Bake Oven Lady clan momma leader....LOL !!)

THE LOWER THE PRICE ON A GUTTER DEBT DEATH SPIRAL "FUNDED" P&D CON n SCAM - the MORE shares they have to issue the gutter note lender with each new "DUMP TRANCHE" - and thus the "spiral" becomes more vicious and the DILUTION RAPIDLY INCREASES - never ending !!

Pull up the 2 or 3 yr chart on this fraud = THEE OTC CLASSIC SERIES TEXTBOOK PIC OF A P&D SCAM n CON JOB !!

Their sales actually (yes kids !!) DECLINED from Q-4 2021 to Q-1 2022 =

Matty aka THE PUNK is an epic liar and fraud via peddling the bullshit scam "Hear Assist did $23 to $25 MILLION in revenues" blah blah =

Matty boy aka THE PUNK aka THE KID aka THE SMURF bought TWO busted broke and BK for all intents and purposes KIA and DOA has-been failed "companies" who were sitting around on literal life support collecting cobwebs !!!

THAT is the big scam - and now Matty aka THE PUNK is sitting around on Twatter blowing more happy sunshine Twitter-Twatters ABOUT NOTHING each day "hoping" to STILL hook some penny dupes and marks to keep buying these dog crap worthless shares to fund the Granite Bay Country Club Miller High Life and Moore More clan retirement in luxury fund and green fees and country club dining hall daily meal tickets :)


INNER-SCAM is now VICTIM CORP and ole GABE IN NY is PREDATOR CORP - and Matty aka THE PUNK and the Mooore More clan willingly inked these gutter notes to keep that plush wasted space daddy Moore office building and play act as a "hearing aid seller" to pay their luxury home mortgages and I'm sure "company car" rides and mega salaries etc !!