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05/20/22 12:16 AM

#3117 RE: gi197845 #3115

I repeat, " Are you being compensated in any fashion for the misinformation that you post here?" If so, by whom?


05/22/22 12:09 PM

#3120 RE: gi197845 #3115

Also, Nuplazid will be approve for Schizophrenia! We are going to win, for the benefit of the suffering patients and for our benefit as well!

There's a major unmet medical need here. Latest generation of anti-psychotics have devastating side effects and in most cases leave the pts much worse off, some times permanently.
if Nuplazid could help that subset of pts with hallucinations and delusions, it would be welcomed by pts, families and doctors.

I haven't looked at any trial results, so I have no idea whether this should or could happen any time soon.