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05/20/22 10:35 AM

#53838 RE: fink #53835

I'm starting to see mainstream advertising from Ford for their Lightning. Pre-orders are off the hook. Atlis work truck looks freaking awesome.

Wearing a mask is ap personal choice. It's America. At the end of the day, you have no idea why a person is wearing a mask unless you ask them.

/For me looks don'tmatter. It's about performance and durability. The driving range for EVs appears to be on par or better than ICE vehicles. Lotso f work to do on the charging front. WKSP/Terravis Energy (and other companies) bringing affordable options to market. Now it comes down to the availability and cost of a charge. The timeline for "refueling" is close enough to move forward en-masse with EVs.

Supply chains will mature.

Oil/Gas interests will fight this all the way to the bitter end. Kinda blows me away they're not investing in green energy.

100T dollar future market says this will happen. It already is...


05/20/22 10:40 AM

#53840 RE: fink #53835

In so far as the excitement factor, there's much truth to your point of "You see a Tesla and it’s like seeing a Camry."

However, much to your point, Camrys are seen everywhere, Tesla not so much.