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Seminole Red

05/18/22 8:51 PM

#74354 RE: wow_happens28 #74349

i agree, to much muscle can be restrictive


05/18/22 9:07 PM

#74355 RE: wow_happens28 #74349

You got it. Some body parts, like skeletal system, and connective tissue develop slowly, over years. Sprinters get injured frequently, going after that faster .001 of a second. DeChambeau way overdid it trying to develop that outrageous distance. He routinely was hitting 215 mph clubhead speed, at max exertion, trying to find his limit. In the end, he finally concluded that speed comes from wiriness (fast twitch, a gift from DNA) more than strength after a certain point, and technique of course. I hate to think DeChambeau might have hurt himself permanently. Was it worth the risk? Only he can answer. I'll always be a fan of his adventurous spirit, though.