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05/17/22 8:51 AM

#48592 RE: tisdal #48591

As KyOil will tell you oil patch speak is like a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

After studying hydrocarbon shows I found the only type of show that necessitates a well completion and production testing is a type 1 continuous phase show which is a “filament” of oil or gas extending from a hydrocarbon reservoir. The idea is that during mud logging and wireline logs Zion observed a continuous showing and based on that data the contractors said to “complete” the well with a liner system. There are 3 other types of hydrocarbon shows that do not require nor do they even encourage completion of a well. Hence, MJ01 was not completed with production testing.

Also, the idea that the shows are a “fart” in the hole or a kerogen deposit are absolutely false.

“Hydrocarbons occur in the subsurface in four modes: (1) continuous phase oil or gas, (2) isolated droplets of oil or gas, (3) dissolved hydrocarbons, and (4) associated with kerogenous rocks. All of these modes of occurrence can result in what is described as a subsurface hydrocarbon "show." Each show type has markedly different implications to exploration and must be differentiated as the first step in show interpretation. Only continuous phase occurrences of oil and gas indicate that a trapped and potentially producible accumulation of hydrocarbons has been discovered. Free oil or gas recovery from the formation or subsurface hydrocarbon saturations of greater than 55% indicates a continuous phase occurrence.”
For your reading pleasure and entrance down this rabbit hole: