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05/16/22 3:57 PM

#44931 RE: Captain Black Bob Blanco #44930

Whoever is dumping the last couple days probably demanded that PT put something out. Anything. Doesn't have to really say anything, just needs to be a PR.

Maybe even PT selling? We'll find out within 4 days.....right? Probably not, PT goes by the 40 day reporting rule. Or 50 day rule.

A Dinosaur

05/16/22 8:12 PM

#44935 RE: Captain Black Bob Blanco #44930

The "update" seems pretty clear to me.

Paul Thompson is still talking to two companies which are doing their "due diligence" about possible purchases of or JVs for either or both mine sites.

Could these be two other companies? Yes, if IRMEX has neither made a formal offer nor withdrawn from consideration. Either way, PT's talking to two companies.

No decisions and, apparently, no firm offers, yet. That's the current status.
