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05/16/22 11:25 AM

#237206 RE: DrHarleyboy #237203

Yep let's quickly review 3 recently revealed carrots put out for market consumption that time has just caught up to and exposed>>>

1. Eric claimed the GestureTek court receivership proceedings only came about because the bank yanked GestureTek's credit line only to now admit in WNBD's just posted fins that the bank actually forced GestureTek into BK back in 2019

2. Eric claimed in a recent tweet that "deposits" have already been made by WNBD to help facilitate the almost year long GestureTek deal in the works...yet strangely enough nowhere in todays WNBD financials was any disclosure provided proving how much money WNBD has paid out in the so-called "deposits...just as no PR's or filings were publicly disseminated to substantiate/validate the tweet claim made about so-called "deposits" made from WNBD as part of the ongoing GestureTek court receivership process

3. And as of the posting of WNBD's quarterly fins today, it's the first time Eric has even tried to claim that WNBD has a joint venture going with GestureHealth. And even though the claim is made in WNBD's financials that WNBD has supposedly had a GestureTek Health joint venture going on for some time now...prior to the posting of WNBD's quarterly report no such joint venture had ever been publicly disseminated to market...and a review of the wayback machine proves that WNBD was only just recently placed on the "about us" section of GestureTek Health on April 15th, 2022

And there's probably lots more examples of more carrot dangled tweets dating all the way back to June 2021 since Eric first started touting the almost year long GestureTek deal in the per the more than well established pattern of larger than life bloviating statements put out for market consumption for almost 17 years and counting.

Why put out non stop tweets for almost a full calendar year and counting about a deal that hasn't even been closed yet...let alone pump out carrots about supposedly conquering the metaverse and supposedly having a 4 year plan to generate sales in the millions of dollars when most pubco's actually talk about tangible results...not things they're supposedly going to do some future day right lol