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05/13/22 12:04 PM

#47324 RE: chrisp6712 #47322

Well, for one they stopped the pipeline right when they entered office. Two, they have increased regulation on the industry. Three, they decreased leases. This set the stage with the economy coming back online for the huge price increases. Of course, this is part of the green agenda as it was under Obama. The idea then and know was to increase the cost of carbon and force people to make changes to alternatives. Problem is this has to be planned and over time to transition with major disruptions like we are suffering with now. It hurts the masses that cannot afford a 60k+ car nor gas for the clunker they have. This is what happens when the Government versus society picks the winners. I think all of the above method with subsidies for H2 and EV's is a better choice and creates less suffering. Granted I do not buy the line we have 10 years or less to live due to pollution. More likely a proxy war by this administration and congress.