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05/14/22 10:40 AM

#4999 RE: Soco54 #4998

Managfement that worry about shorters usually means the business will do nothing great.

Good businesses with fundamental operations will provide investors with fair valuation.

As for SPIn or whatever the new symbol will be - 1 Billion shares outstanding means if they do $50 million in revenue, which I cant even imagine them doing 500 thousand, but lets say they do $50 million and they have $5 million in NEW profit, that comes out to $.005 a share profit.

Give that $0.005 a 20 multiple and the stock will be 10 cents a share.

When investing in a company, people to be made aware of fully diluted shares, convertible notes and multiples that are reasonable.

You are looking at a company that has ZERO in revenues so $50 million is highly unlikely which then means .005 a share on a fully diluted basis is highly unlikely which means 10 cents a share fair valuation is highly unlikely.

I am sure someone will disagree and call me names and say I am shorting the stock or have a hidden agenda.

I am sure the company would love to disagree but unless they show revenues and profit, I think management can't refute my words in this message post and they will operate their business and start issuing press release and hire some investor relations EXPERT that will attract new investors and drive the price up.